9 Ways Educators Can Participate in Day of Silence
Day of Silence is April 21! Here are 9 ways educators can get involved in the largest, student-led action against anti-LGBTQ bullying in schools.
Use the new Educator Guide for the Day of Silence for lesson ideas before, during, and after the Day of Silence.
Pause your teaching to join GLSEN for the national moment of silence and solidarity for 3 minutes at 3pm ET/2 pm CT/1pm PT.
Structure your lessons with silent writing: Send a letter to your governor in support of LGBTQ students with GLSEN.
On April 21, tell your LGBTQ students to go to glsen.org/survey so they can share their school experiences for GLSEN's National School Climate Survey.
Set up a Day of Silence table in your school lobby or hallway, and invite students to give away Day of Silence stickers, buttons, and info cards.
Organize a Breaking the Silence assembly, rally, or open mic. Breaking the Silence is an important action on the Day of Silence. Prepare with your students beforehand how they want to take action and advocate for LGBTQ people at their school.
Encourage your students to download the selfie sign, answer, “How are you ending the silence?” and tweet answers @ the Department of Education.
Structure a letter-writing lesson where students write to their administrators, supervisors, or other school leaders to urge them to create policies that protect LGBTQ students.
Preview and then host a screening of one of the films from the Youth and Gender Media Project, which is offering free streaming to Day of Silence registrants.
Looking for ways for students and GSAs to get involved? Check out our full guide, created in partnership with the National Education Association.
Are you participating in Day of Silence? Make sure to register!