Trump Poised to Sign a #LicenseToDiscriminate. Here's How to Stop It

Donald Trump is reportedly on the cusp of signing another discriminatory executive order. Under the guise of religious freedom, it's really nothing more than a #LicenseToDiscriminate – and we need you to tell him that directly, right now.

Previously leaked drafts would have allowed religious-based discrimination against LGBTQ people, women, and minorities. 

For LGBTQ students and educators in K-12 schools, this is what that could look like:

  • School counselors could refuse to provide life-saving services to queer youth. 
  • Principals could fire trans teachers because of who they are.
  • Schools could make it structurally impossible for students to start GSAs – often the only spaces where LGBTQ students find safety in school.

Trump is poised to sign this executive order tomorrow. Together, with our partners, we are calling on you to tell Trump in no uncertain terms: Your #LicenseToDiscriminate hurts students.



Looking for more ways to stop this? Click on these share buttons, too, to send tweets that also show how this executive order could allow discrimination in schools – and why we stand so firmly in opposition.