The Benefits of School Resources for Transgender Youth
in Journal of LGBT Youth

Title: Putting the “T” in “resource”: The benefits of LGBTQ-related school resources for transgender youth
By: Greytak, E. A., Kosciw, J. G., & Boesen, M. J.
In: Journal of LGBT Youth, vol. 10, issue 1-2 (2013)
Abstract: This study examines the availability and effectiveness of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ)-related school resources for a national sample of transgender youth (N = 409), as compared to a national sample of LGB cisgender (non-transgender) youth (N = 6,444). All four examined resources—gay–straight alliances (GSAs), supportive educators, LGBTQ-inclusive curricula, and comprehensive anti-bullying/anti-harassment policies which include specific protections for LGBTQ students—were related to decreased absenteeism. Three of the four resources (except for comprehensive anti-bullying/anti-harassment policies) were related to lower levels of victimization. The results indicated that the resources provided benefits for transgender and cisgender LGB students alike, yet the positive effects of policies and GSAs were even stronger for transgender youth.