2024 National School Climate Survey

GLSEN's 2024 National School Climate Survey is now closed!

Thank you to everyone who took the survey or shared the survey with others! Your efforts will help GLSEN advocate for better experiences of LGBTQIA2S+ students in k-12 schools. GLSEN will use this information to continue to work towards safe and affirming schools for all.

Be on the lookout in the future for the results from the survey and our analysis. If you have questions about the survey, please contact GLSENresearch@glsen.org.

View past National School Climate Survey Reports:


About the Survey:

This survey is about school experiences of youth who are LGBTQIA2S+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, two-spirit, and more) or questioning. In this survey, we will ask questions about you, your school, and your experiences in school during the 2023-2024 school year. For example, some questions are about where you feel safe or unsafe at school, what you might look forward to at school, and your participation in extracurriculars.


Who can take the survey?

If you are 13 years or older and identify as LGBTQ+ and/or two spirit and you attended middle or high school in the US last year, this survey is for you.


Why should I take the survey?

You get to be part of thousands of LGBTQIA2S+ students who are making their voice heard. Sharing your experiences will help GLSEN’s work toward safe and affirming schools for LGBTQIA2S+ youth like yourself. GLSEN has consistently advocated for schools across the country to have teachers and staff that support students like yourself, opposed book bans, and supported school policies that are about your wellbeing and safety in schools.

Learn more about the NSC

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